PE Games | SandBell Soft Weights for Physical Education

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PE Games | SandBell Exercises for PE Classes

The SandBell is a fun and safe way to get your physical education students motivated and fit with may fun PE games you can use. Today's PE games SandBell exercises are an extension of the previous K-12 Drill Thrill article. Hyperwear Master Trainer Jamie Atlas shows two more SandBell for PE games exercises that are fun, age appropriate and engaging!

PE GamesSimple Tips For Success

As P.E. teachers, one of the problems you may face regularly is motivating students to get active and have FUN. Here are 3 simple tips to creating successful PE games exercise classes! According to the best ways to get kids active is by following these tips:
  1. Choose activities based on a student's age: If you don't, the student may get bored if it's too easy or frustrated if it's too hard.
  2. Give kids chances to be active: Offer activities that are safe and with age-appropriate equipment, take them to playgrounds and other play areas where they can be active.
  3. Focus on fun: Kids won't do things they don't enjoy.

How Today's PE Games Video Applies These Tips

The kids in today's video are ages 10-13. The Squat With Pizza Spin exercise follows tip #1 because at this age they have the mental and athletic ability to do an exercise that requires this level of concentration and technique. The Squat With Pizza Spin requires kids to squat, toss, and spin the SandBell overhead. The level of difficulty is appropriate for this age group—it's not so easy that the kids get bored and it's not so difficult that it can't be done safely. If 5-6 year-olds were doing this exercise, the safety factor would be different because squatting, tossing, and spinning is probably too advanced for them.
Tip #2 is used in the Squat With Pizza Spin since it gives kids the chance to be active without getting hurt. If kids drop the SandBell it won't cause serious injury. Because of the SandBell's design, when dropped the weight of the sand spreads over the SandBell's surface and isn't concentrated in one spot. The result of dropping a SandBell on a foot is much less serious than dropping a dumbbell. SandBells are a great option for K-12 P.E. games and exercises because kids can throw, toss, slam, slide, and catch them without having to worry about getting hurt.
Tip # 3 you can see the FUN on the kid's faces! The Squat With Pizza Spin exercise is fun and exciting! This goofy exercise is fun because it's challenging for them to toss, spin and catch the SandBell, but not so challenging they get discouraged and give up.
Click on the image below to see the Squat With Pizza Spin and SandBell Tennis exercises in action. Try these SandBell exercises in your next P.E. class. Keep the above tips in mind so your classes are fun, age appropriate and engaging!

SandBell PE Games Video Coaching Cues

Squat With Pizza Spin: Teaching core/extremities coordination isn’t always easy; movements above the head require the most development to reduce shoulder injuries and poor performance in hand/eye coordination. This exercise requires the student to rotate the shoulders "in sync," as opposed to more traditional lifting movements that keep both shoulder blades stable and "in the pocket" — the optimal position for maximum lifting, but rarely used in real-world movement. For an extra challenge combine this drill with a travel, two SandBells at once, or a heavier SandBell. Remember, the SandBell lands softly, so you can use bigger challenges with a lower risk of injury from missed catches. SandBell Tennis: SandBell Tennis requires reaction, agility and strategy. It's an excellent drill that requires the student to get low in their stance and react from the ground up. For extra an challenge make one partner's square larger or smaller, or use different movement patterns or game rules to balance out the abilities between partners to keep a level playing field, and motivation and enjoyment high.

Want some team building PE games for kids?

Check out this SandBell games video and try the fun SandBell team building games for your class:
These SandBell P.E. games will get kids up and active and have them work together as a team!
PE Game #1: SandBell Pass the Pizza
Set-Up: Divide students into groups. The groups can be as small as 3 or as large as an entire class. Give small groups 1 SandBell and larger groups of 10 or more 2 or 3 SandBells. Direct each group to line up at one end of the gym in a seated single file line. Game: The last student in line starts holding the SandBell. The SandBell is the "pizza." The student passes the SandBell over the head of the person in front of them, stands up, runs to the front of the line, sits down and waits for the student behind them to pass the SandBell. The object is to pass the pizza from one end of the gym to the other. Variations: Students can stay seated or stand, pass the SandBell under the legs instead of overhead, or time the game to see which group can pass the pizza to the other end of the gym the fastest.
PE Game #2: SandBell Circle Slam
Set-Up: Divide students in groups. Groups can be as small as 5 or as large as an entire class. Give small groups of 5-9 students 3 SandBells, and large groups of 10 or more 5-7 SandBells. The more SandBells in each group, the more slamming each student will do. Have groups stand shoulder-to-shoulder in a circle and then take 3-4 steps backward. Game: Give every other student (or so) a SandBell. At the start of the game students with the SandBells will SLAM the SandBell to the person next to them. Students will slam the SandBells in a circle for an allotted time period. Variations: Designate different colored/weight SandBells with as exercises, i.e. when a student gets a SandBell with a yellow rim they must do 2 jumping jacks and then pass the SandBell, and a SandBell with a green rim means the student will have to do 2 squat jumps, etc.
Ready to look at how to buy SandBells for your PE class?