SandBell® Slam Progression

The SandBell Slam. This highly effective movement works just about everything, from your fingertips to your toes. It challenges many different elements of overall fitness; from strength and power t...

Transpirer votre cul - La transpiration brûle-t-elle des calories ?

Nous avons tous entendu (ou dit) une version de cela à un moment donné. Et nous savons tous que transpirer est le meilleur moyen de perdre du poids, n'est-ce pas ? Nous comprenons que la transpirat...

Top 5 Weighted Vest Body Weight Exercises for Results

Ask any personal trainer what the best body weight exercise is, and you’ll get a response. Probably a different response than the next personal trainer you ask. Keep asking around, and you’ll get a...

Weight Vest Speed Training

Weight Vest Speed Training Workouts By Geno Pierce, CSCS Weight vest speed training is a key part of making athletes faster. It is undeniable that speed is extremely important in sports. It...

Elliptical Training with the SandBell and Weight Vest

Hyper Training Lab #46 Set-Up: The elliptical training workout requires a weight vest, preferably the Hyper Vest FIT (featured in the workout), or the Hyper Vest PRO weight vest. You also need on...

PE Games | SandBell Partner Exercises for Kids

PE Games | SandBell Partner Exercises for Kids PE Games, relays and partner exercises are some of the best ways to motivate kids to get active. Activities in a group setting are inherently more fun...

Five Best SandBell Strength Metabolic Exercises

SandBell Strength | 5 of the best SandBell strength HIIT exercises Set-Up: This SandBell strength circuit of five exercises will boost your heart rate. Incorporate it into your HIIT session. It req...

PE Games | SandBell Soft Weights for Physical Education

PE Games | SandBell Exercises for PE Classes The SandBell is a fun and safe way to get your physical education students motivated and fit with may fun PE games you can use. Today's PE games SandBe...