Elliptical Training with the SandBell and Weight Vest

Weight Vest and SandBell® Training for Football Vous lisez Elliptical Training with the SandBell and Weight Vest 5 minutes Suivant Crash Course to SandBell Sandbag Training Basics

Hyper Training Lab #46

Set-Up: The elliptical training workout requires a weight vest, preferably the Hyper Vest FIT (featured in the workout), or the Hyper Vest PRO weight vest. You also need one SandBell that's about 10% of your body weight. In the workout, a 10 lb. SandBell is used. This warm-up circuit combines short cardio sprints on the elliptical and body weight or SandBell exercises to increase your heart rate and body temperature to prepare for your workout. Repetitions/Rounds: The elliptical training workout is 4 rounds of cardio and agility/power exercises. In each round, starts with 10 seconds of "sprinting" on the elliptical, followed by 3-4 repetitions of body weight or SandBell exercises. We recommend setting the resistance on the elliptical to at least 10 and gradually increasing it with each round. During the sprinting segments, give maximum effort so that your heart rate spikes. You can increase the length of elliptical sprints to 20, 30 or 60 seconds depending on your fitness level or time constraints.

Exercises in the Video

Round 1: Cardio + Balance Reach Series

Set the resistance on the elliptical to at least 10 and "sprint" for 10 seconds. Make sure you're using the elliptical handles and working both your arms and legs. After 10 seconds, jump off the elliptical and complete the Balance Reach Series. Start by balancing on your left foot, reach your right arm down toward your left foot and simultaneously kick your right foot into the air behind you. After you reach down, stay balanced on your left foot and then reach your right hand back overhead, stretching your core and hip flexors. Repeat at 3-4 times on both the left and right foot. This reach series works on your foot/ankle balance, as well as strengthening your hip flexors that help stabilize the body.

Round 2: Cardio + Lunge Matrix

Keep the resistance on the elliptical at 10 or higher and sprint for 10 seconds. Step off the elliptical and complete the body weight lunge matrix. Start by stepping out with your right leg into a forward lunge. Make sure when you lunge forward that your lunging knee doesn't extend over your ankle and your back knee is hovering just over the ground. After lunging forward, step back to center and then lunge at a 90 degree angle to the side. When lunging to the side, sit back deep into the lunge and so you activate the hips. Step back to center. Lunge at a 135 degree angle diagonally behind you. Complete the lunge matrix 3-4 times on both the right and left leg.

Round 3: Cardio + Lunge Matrix with Slam (V1)

Keep the resistance on the elliptical at 10 or higher and sprint for 10 seconds. This lunge matrix adds a SandBell Slam each time you lunge. Hold the SandBell with both hands, lunge forward with your right leg and as you're kneeling forward into the lunge slam the SandBell onto the floor in front of you. Step back to center. Lunge at a 90 degree angle to your right side and as you sit into the lunge slam the SandBell on the floor next to your right foot. Step back to center. Lunge at a 135 degree angle diagonally behind you and slam the SandBell outside the lunging foot. Repeat 3-4 times on both the right and left leg.

Round 4: Cardio + Lunge Matrix with Slam (V2)

Keep the resistance on the elliptical at 10 or higher and sprint for 10 seconds. This lunge matrix also adds a SandBell Slam, but the "slamming" point on the floor is different. Hold the SandBell with both hands, lunge forward with the right foot, step back to center and slam the SandBell onto the floor. Lunge to your side, step back to center and slam the SandBell down. Lunge diagonally behind you, step back to center and slam the SandBell on the floor in front of you. Repeat 3-4 times on both the right and left leg.

Targeted Muscle Groups

  • Hip complex and hip flexors
  • Foot/ankle balance
  • Lower body
  • Grip, wrist and forearm


These exercises and repetitions are recommendations and should not be done if you have pain or an injury in your grip, arms, shoulders, core or back. Hyper Training Lab exercises are designed to get you healthy, toned and fit. We don’t encourage over-training or strenuous exercising that lead to injury.

Featured in the Video

The elliptical training circuit is brought to you by Sam Dowd, Personal Trainer at Mecca Gym & Spa and Anthony Winn, Performance Specialist at Driven Performance. Sam Dowd is featured in the video wearing the 5 lb. Hyper Vest FIT and using a 10 lb. SandBell.

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