PE Games | SandBell Partner Exercises for Kids

PE Games | SandBell Partner Exercises for Kids

PE Games, relays and partner exercises are some of the best ways to motivate kids to get active. Activities in a group setting are inherently more fun because of the human interaction. Partner exercises will bring smiles to faces and get bodies moving, all the while requiring kids to work as a team to accomplish a task and inspire healthy competition. In today's PE games SandBell drill, we're bringing you three partner exercises to add in during a warm up, as part of a relay or game, or as an exercise circuit.

Exercises in the Video

SandBell Ab Tosses

Partners sit on the floor facing each other with one light-weight SandBell between them (4-10 lbs. SandBell depending on age and fitness level). When the exercise begins, both partners sit back on their bottoms with feet 6-8 inches off the ground. One partner picks up the SandBell and tosses it to their partner. Challenge kids to see how many times they can toss the SandBell back and forth in 30 seconds.

SandBell Under Leg Passes

Partners sit side-by-side and with a light-weight SandBell (4-10 lb. SandBell depending on age and fitness level). When the exercise begins, both kids will sit back on their bottoms with feet 6-8 inches off the ground. Partner one picks up the SandBell and passes it under their legs to their partner, who then passes it over their legs back to partner one, and repeat. This is a timed exercise, see how many times each pair can pass the SandBell under and over their legs in 30 seconds.

SandBell Plank Flips

Partners get in plank position on the floor, with their heads 12-18 inches from each other. Each kid needs one light-weight SandBell (4-10 lb. depending on age and fitness level). Make sure kids keep their bottoms and backs parallel to the floor, and don't stick their bottoms up into the air. When the exercise begins, each kid will flip the SandBell upside down and right side up as many times as they can in 30 seconds. Kids should alternate using their right and left hands to flip the SandBell. Ready to look at SandBells for your PE class?