The Gluteus Maximus, a.k.a. the butt, is the largest and most powerful muscle in the body. For some it's pretty prominent, we’re looking at you Kim Kardashian. For others it’s practically non-existent. With our top 5 SandBell better booty exercises, you will have a gorgeous butt in no time.
Located at the back of the hip, the Gluteus Maximus is one of three gluteal muscles. Its main functions are hip extension and hip external rotation. Some of the best exercises to train the Gluteus Maximus include squats, glute bridges and lunges.
Here are our Top 5 SandBell® butt-building exercises that will not only engage your posterior chain but everything else from your head to your toes. Build strength, challenge your core, increase power and endurance while you also sculpt a nice rounded backside with these SandBell moves:
1. Squat
SandBell Front Squat
2. Slam
Jump Slam
Forward Lunge
4. Hip Swing
Hip Swing
5. Glute Bridge Squeeze
Glute bridge squeeze
Amp up your workout, and results, by adding a Hyper Vest PRO weight vest.
Engaging in a consistent exercise program that includes using SandBell free weights and the Hyper Vest PRO weight vest, coupled with a healthy diet not only makes you feel amazing but will help you achieve your fitness goals as efficiently as possible.