SandBell Exercise: Progressive Push-Ups

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SandBell Exercise Hyper Training Lab #33: Progressive Push-Ups

Take progressive push-ups to a new level with this SandBell exercise.

Exercises Shown in the Video:

Set-Up: This SandBell exercise circuit requires a partner and one SandBell per person. When doing the push-up exercises maintain a solid plank position with a flat, straight back, arms should be shoulder-length apart and feet hip-width apart. When doing the partner chest passes, stand in an athletic position with knees slightly bent. Repetitions/Rounds: Repeat each of the 5 actions 10 times for a total of 4 rounds. To make this circuit more difficult, increase the weight of the SandBell or number of repetitions and/or round.
  1. Push-Up with Arm Release: Get in plank position to prepare for the push up, keeping the body long and core engaged. Push-up and when coming down release the arms when your chest touched the ground.
  2. Plyometric Push-Up with Tap: Maintain the same plank position as in the exercise before. Push-up and at the top of the action release your hands, accelerate upwards and tap the top of the SandBell.
  3. Partner Press to Pass: Flip onto your back and hold the SandBell on top of your chest. Your partner stands over you and you press the SandBell up in the air to for your partner to catch and then throw back down to you.
  4. Partner Chest Pass: Stand in an athletic position with back straight and knees slightly bent. Hold the SandBell with both hands at the top of your chest and accelerate with your upper-body to pass the SandBell to your partner. Throw the SandBell back and forth quickly to increase the cardiovascular intensity.
  5. Lower-Body SandBell Slam: Stand in an athletic position, hinge slightly at the hips and forcefully slam the SandBell into to the ground.

Targeted Muscle Groups:

  • Core
  • Upper-body: traps, biceps, shoulders
  • Grip strength and forearm muscles

Ideal Exercises for Those Training to:

  • Improve upper body strength
  • Improve upper body fast twist response
  • Improve core strength
  • Improve grip, wrist and forearm strength

Recommended Equipment:

For each SandBell exercise in this circuit, we recommend you use a SandBell that is at least 15% of your body weight. In the video, Justin and Lateef are using a 20 lb. SandBell. Because you're not doing as many repetition per round, you want to increase the weight to challenge your muscles. If 15% is too much then by all means use a lighter SandBell until you can work up to 15%. You can also increase the weight if your body can handle it. These sandbell exercises can all be done using the Hyperwear SteelBell, the faster, more active shifting movement of the steel inside the SteelBell will increase the difficulty of all the exercises. Because the steel shot inside the Bell weighs more than sand, the SteelBell will accelerate faster when driving the Bell upwards, which will force you to exert more energy to control the SteelBell and bring it back down to the ground. We recommend using the SandBell and SteelBell for this SandBell exercise circuit because these tools are safe, durable and work grip, wrist and forearm strength. Because you must grip into the Sand/SteelBell to hold onto the Bell, you are working grip, wrist and forearm muscles with every exercise in addition to the targeted muscle groups. To make these exercises even more challenging, wear the 10 lb. Hyper Vest PRO weight vest seen on Justin. Loading the body with extra weight will cause it to use more energy to complete the exercises and make the workout more strength and cardiovascular challenging. If you are just starting out training with a weighted vest, we recommend taking out some of the weights and loading the vest to 5 lbs. until your body gets used to the extra weights. After training with 5 lbs. for a few weeks you can gradually begin to add in more weight.Weight Vest Crossfit


These exercises and weights are recommendations and should not be completed if you have any pain or ailments in your grip, arm, shoulder, core or back. Hyper Training Lab exercises are designed to get you healthy, toned and fit. We don’t encourage over-training or strenuous exercising that leads to injury.

Featured in the Video:

Master Trainer Lateef Johnson, and Justin Fox who is wearing the Hyper Vest PRO weight vest.