
Researchers Study Cold Exposure for Cancer Therapy
New Research: Cold Exposure for Cancer and HealthDiscover how mild cold exposure activates brown fat to slow cancer growth by reducing the glucose that cancer cells need. Walking or rucking outdoor...

How to Use Cooling for Athletes Recovery and Performance
Athletes need cooling strategies to perform and recover in an increasingly hot world. Check out resources and learn about the CoolOver™ cooling vest.

Brown Fat Research - Turn On Your Metabolism With Cooling
Brown Fat Research Guide to Turning On Metabolic Health with Mild Cold Exposure
Are you comfortable as you read this? Most likely sitting indoors with a thermostat set to keep you not too hot - not...

Kris Rugloski the Ultra Hybrid Athlete
Her mental game is strong, very strong. The day after completing the 2022 Vermont 100 Mile trail race, and finishing 5th woman overall, Kris Ruglowki (Ultra & OCR Athlete) ascended Mt. Washingt...

Walking with a Weighted Vest for Healthy Exercise
How Walking with Weighted Vest Improves Your Health
What are the benefits of wearing a weighted vest while walking? Walking is the most popular exercise activity, and a fundamental way to improve...
SandBell® Slam Progression
The SandBell Slam. This highly effective movement works just about everything, from your fingertips to your toes. It challenges many different elements of overall fitness; from strength and power t...

Top Fitness Mistakes to Avoid (and How to Fix Them)
Do you want to make the most out of your workout? We've identified the top mistakes made by rookies and pros alike - and the best solutions to make sure your workout produces the results your looki...

How Long Should a Workout Be?
There seems to be a lot of misconceptions about how long you need to spend working out to get results. What is the optimal workout time and how long is too long?
When it comes to strength (weight)...

Sweating Your Ass Off - Does Sweating Burn Calories?
We have all heard (or said) some version of this at one point. And we all know that sweating your ass off is the best way to lose weight, right? We understand that sweating burns calories. We sweat...