Guide to a Better Butt Workout with the SandBell

Every woman who has survived pregnancy can tell you that pregnancy takes a toll on a mother’s body. The good news is that the change can be temporary. You can bounce back! You’ll have to work harde...

Top 5 Weighted Vest Body Weight Exercises for Results

Ask any personal trainer what the best body weight exercise is, and you’ll get a response. Probably a different response than the next personal trainer you ask. Keep asking around, and you’ll get a...
Brown Fat Activation Technique - Cold Exposure Weight Loss - Hyperwear

Technique d'activation de la graisse brune - Perte de poids par exposition au froid

Cellules graisseuses brunes, cellules graisseuses blanches, bonnes graisses, mauvaises graisses Qu'est-ce que la perte de poids de graisse brune - est-ce réel ? Une percée dans la recherche sur...

Workouts for Osteoporosis

Workouts for osteoporosis are an important option for treatment. In these contemporary times, the fitness industry is booming as more and more people seek information and advice regarding how to op...
Cooling vest for weight loss next Paleo Diet trend? - Hyperwear

Cooling vest for weight loss next Paleo Diet trend?

Research on activation of brown adipose tissue (“brown fat”) by cooling vest for weight loss pointing towards new treatments for obesity and related metabolic diseases. While surveying exciting new...

Recherche : gilet lesté pour l'ostéoporose ?

Le processus de conception original d'Hyper Vest était axé sur les athlètes. Mais, plus tard, nous avons été surpris d'apprendre que tous nos clients ne sont pas des athlètes. Nous avons appris qu...

Gilet de poids pour l'ostéoporose

De meilleurs os avec un gilet de poids pour l'ostéoporose Un gilet de poids pour l'ostéoporose est un moyen efficace et naturel de développer la densité osseuse. Le simple fait de marcher tout ...

Family Fitness Finding Health as a Family

Family Fitness - Finding Health as a Family By Ashley Benson When our kids are young, we teach them to eat, walk and to not touch to the stove. As they grow, we educate them about animals and the ...